Friday, March 18, 2011

Morning-After Pill: For Backup Use Only

Morning-After Pill: For Backup Use Only
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The article talks about the importance of birth control methods and using emergency contraceptives just in case a pill is forgotten or a condom breaks. These forms of contraceptions may reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancies by over 80 percent. However emergency contraceptives should only be used as backup and should not be routinely taken.

birth control

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Many women today are putting their pregnancies on hold probably because of physical health, career priorities, or the fear about the hardships of parenting. These individuals rely on various birth control methods like condoms, contraceptive pills, patches, diaphragm, and many more. However, there are loopholes that can be encountered with these family planning methods. For example, condoms may break or slip off, diaphragms and cervical caps may be knocked out of place, and missed contraceptive pills may lead to unwanted pregnancies. Using emergency contraception like a morning-after pill may reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy by 80 percent.
Morning-after pills are used to prevent a woman from getting pregnant after unprotected vaginal intercourse. These pills are like ordinary birth control pills that contain higher doses of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. These hormones stimulates and regulates various body functions and play essential parts in maintaining pregnancies. Regular and low doses of estrogen may prevent females from ovulating while progesterone inhibits the growth of uterine lining. When this happens, it can be more difficult for a fertilized egg to become implanted there, it also thickens the mucus around the area keeping sperm from getting to the uterus. These pills are usually used within 72 hours after intercourse with a second dose that should be taken after 12 hours. Morning-after pills can be used as backup method for other contraceptive measures but should not be routinely used. These pills do not work like abortion pills because they only prevent pregnancies. Abortion pills work by terminating established pregnancies – those that have been attached to the uterine walls and have begun to develop.
Like other forms of medication, morning-after pills may also bring side effects to individuals who decide to use them. About 50 percent of the women who take these pills feel nauseated for a day or two and about 20 percent experience vomiting. Less common side effects may include headaches, breast tenderness, dizziness, and fluid retention.
Doctors should be consulted immediately if the following are experienced:
shortness of breath
chest pain
abdominal pain
severe leg pain
severe headache or dizziness
loss of vision
speaking difficulties
These conditions may indicate many serious complications from blood clots to liver damage. Women who use morning-after pills will usually have their period within a week after taking the pills. If one's period does not occur within 21 days, it is advised that these individuals should visit their doctor. It could mean that the patient is pregnant or the egg is implanted in the Fallopian tubes or abdomen and may need emergency treatment.
Before taking morning-after pills, birth control pills, and other forms of contraceptive methods, individuals should seek the approval of health professionals. Morning-after pills are not intended for women who have had breast cancer, any reproductive cancer, stroke, blood clots in the legs or lungs, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, severe migraines, or high blood pressure. One's medical history, age, and how it may affect one's health is essential in choosing the right form of oral contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, and other methods for family planning. Understanding the effects and health risks of using birth control methods are essential in effective family planning and overall health.

More Than Skin Deep

More Than Skin Deep
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Skin care is important to women not only because it is necessary to maintain physical beauty.  The skin also performs very important functions such as body  temperature regulation, and as an organ through which the body releases harmful toxins.

Skin Care Treatment, Skin Care Solutions

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Most women are naturally vain about their looks. As a matter of fact, the cosmetic industry has become a  billion-dollar business due to vanity or over-emphasized value attached to physical beauty.  This business is all about how to enhance, modify, and improve a woman's appearance.  Beauty products of all shapes and sizes, to be used from head to toe, are sold to meet the demands of an aesthetically-conscious female market.
Of all the body parts of a woman, it is perhaps the skin that receives the most attention --- by the person and the companies that produce the products specifically to beautify that body part.   The skin is actually the largest organ of the human body.  Women pay particular attention to their skin, perhaps as much care as they put into their hair, because it is the most visible part of their body.
A unblemished complexion, made more attractive and alluring by fancy dresses, jewelry and make-up,  leads a woman to many doors and windows of opportunity.  In a world obsessed with beauty and fashion, an attractive woman is expected to go a very long, long way in terms of her relationships, career and social life.
But women's obsession over skin beauty should not only be for aesthetic purposes. The skin is the body's outer covering and functions as a protection from heat, infection, injury, and harmful ultraviolet rays. The skin also regulates body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D.
The skin has two main layers, namely:
1. Outer Epidermis -  the outer layer of the skin mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells.  The deepest part of the epidermis contains melanocytes and these cells produce
melanin that gives the skin its color.
2. Inner Dermis - this inner layer of the skin contains blood and lymph vessels, hair follicles, and glands. The glands produce sweat as part of regulating body temperature.  It also produces serum, which is an oily substance that keeps the skin from drying out. When the sweat and serum reach the skin's surface through tiny openings called pores. When these pores are blocked, congested with dirt, or become infected, skin breakouts occur.  Skin breakouts may come in the form of acne, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, congested pores, and cysts.
Preventing or controlling oily skin is a must for every woman, or person for that matter.  Excess oil can block the skin pores and result in more breakouts.  Skin care experts may opt to prescribe certain medications like oral or injected steroids, iodides and bromides to control excessive oil production. Certain jobs, usually those that involve working in the field or in hot environments, also contribute to skin problems.  The unsanitary work environment prevents a person from maintaining skin cleanliness.
Some of the more common skin care solutions include the use of the following products:

l Cleanser
l Exfoliator
l Moisturizer
l Sunblock
l Toner
The use of these products help promote elasticity and good complexion.  Proper skin maintenance takes more than just having a face-washing regimen. The use of these products is necessary to have a blemish-free skin.

1.  Vitamin C Antioxidant Concentrate -  is proven to stimulate the synthesis of collagen,it helps keep a youthful glow and delays the aging process of the skin.
2.  2% Beta Hydroxy Acid Oil-Control Gel - is a mattifying gel base which dissolves excess surface oil. This treatment is highly recommend for oily skin types.
A thorough skin care routine is important to keep our largest organ in tip-top shape.  Other skin care tips that one should consider include having regular visits to a dermatologist;  drinking plenty of water;  eating a balanced diet; and getting enough sleep.  To prevent skin allergies, it is important to be aware about the ingredients of every skin care product you use.

More Than One Way To Break A Woman's Heart

More Than One Way To Break A Woman's Heart
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According to recent statistics, while the number of men experiencing heart  ailments was starting to stabilize, the number of women with the problem is increasing. This has caught the medical establishment completely off-guard, but there are plans underway for studies designed to find out just what is causing this to happen.

stress and anxiety, overweight and obese, lifestyle

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For decades, heart disease has been named as one of the foremost killers in men. When factors such as stress and anxiety combine with societal pressures and workplace expectations, the body's cardiovascular system takes the brunt of the damage, along with the psychological make-up. However, this problem has been on a statistic decline over the years, with the fatality rate from heart diseases showing a slow decrease in incidence rates.
However, a deeper analysis of the statistics would also reveal an alarming trend. The number of men dying from heart disease has managed to level off to a more or less steady statistic, but the number of women under 45 experiencing this problem has been on a steady increase.
Researchers have admitted to being stumped by this development, particularly because no one saw this coming. Some are casting doubt on the theory that this is among the side effects of work-related stress on women, partially because there are no credible statistics to support this statement, and partially because if this was the case, that would have been an issue far earlier on. For the time being, most experts are willing to hold off final judgment until more data comes in. There is currently no indication that this is some sort of trend, or if this is going to last. So, for the medical establishment, it is best to wait for more concrete, long-term data to come in than force a speculation at this point.
One other theory that has experienced some degree of credibility comes in the form of the increasing number of women that are becoming obese. Being overweight and obese can weaken the cardiovascular system and cause a variety of heart-related problems, so this theory is might have some basis in fact. If the use of weight loss pills is any indication, then obesity is definitely on the increase alongside the hike in the number of cases of heart ailments.  Diabetes, which has also been on an upward trend over the last decade, had also been linked to heart ailments. The increasing number of  men and women who develop some form of diabetes is increasing, which also explains the apparent increase in the number of women with heart problems.
The data also presents an interesting contrast in terms of heart ailment prevalence between men and women. For women above 45 years old, the statistics show a slow decline but the increase of heart ailment diagnosis among younger women is on the rise. For the most part, the downward trend for heart-related deaths in young women below 35 was expected to be significantly lower than for women in higher age brackets. However, the data is clearly showing that things are headed in the opposite direction, which puzzles most researchers and health experts. Currently, the numbers simply don't indicate what particular segments of the female population are being affected, which has prompted some research groups to dedicate studies eliminating or considering possible factors, such as genetics, hereditary conditions, and lifestyle.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Than A Cupful of Coffee Benefits

More Than A Cupful of Coffee Benefits
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The growing number of coffee “addicts” have prompted hundreds of studies addressing concerns about the effects of coffee on the body and whether or not caffeine causes harm. Learning about the facts and the myths of coffee drinking will help coffee lovers enjoy their next cup even more.

lifestyle, headache, anxiety, mental health,

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Most people just can't live without coffee.  These are the people who look forward to their first cup of coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning.  They are the habitués of coffee shops day-in and day-out, those who have made coffee a regular part of their daily routine and lifestyle.
The growing number of coffee “addicts” have prompted hundreds of studies addressing concerns about the effects of coffee on the body and whether or not caffeine causes harm. Some say that it's good to drink coffee when you have a headache.  Others say that it's bad to drink coffee if you have stomach problems. Learning about the facts and the myths of coffee drinking will help coffee lovers enjoy their next cup even more.
The general effects of coffee fall into the following categories:
· Stimulant effects. Caffeine makes coffee a well-established stimulant as it stimulates the nervous system, including the nerves controlling intestinal activity, blood pressure and airway size which may keep you alert and awake, yet may also impair sleep, cause jitters and anxiety.
· Heartburn. All types of coffee, even decaf, can stimulate secretion of stomach acid, which may lead to heartburn.
· Diuretic features. Caffeine encourages the kidneys to produce urine to rid the body of excess fluid. However, coffee leads to urination so effectively that it may cause mild dehydration.
Coffee may also have other effects on the body, such as yellowed teeth which are common among regular coffee drinkers. Burn injuries from steaming hot coffee are very common. Some mental health professionals even suggest that regular caffeine users, including coffee drinkers, should be considered dependent, addicted or struggling with substance abuse.
Over the past 50 years, studies have raised concern over the health risks of coffee or caffeine users including an association with stomach problems, pancreatic and bladder cancer, fibrocystic breast disease and gallbladder disease, among other conditions.  However, when analyzed further, these studies just fall short of implicating even modest coffee consumption as a significant health risk among pregnant women and cardiac patients. A review from April 2007 examined the evidence that coffee consumption might increase the risk of serious medical conditions like stomach cancer or leukemia.  And they found out that the data were considered inconclusive and that additional study was necessary.
A study about coffee intake being associated with an increased pancreatic cancer was discredited and is often used as a model to show how a flawed study can mislead research results. It analyzed a number of “exposures” among patients with pancreatic cancer, including coffee intake. The number of factors being examined made it a “fishing expedition” according to most research experts.  The danger of examining too many factors at once may produce “association just by chance” results.  There is the problem of generating misleading results if a net is cast too wide.
The following are therapeutic effects of caffeine aside from being a stimulant:
· Premature babies or those who have undergone surgery just after birth may be treated with caffeine to stimulate their breathing.
· Some over-the-counter headache or pain relief medication include caffeine, acetaminophen and aspirin. The effectiveness of these agents may be linked, at least in part, to the treatment of caffeine withdrawal, a common cause of headaches.
· Several studies found modest benefits with caffeine in the treatment of asthma as it gives dilating effects on airways. In fact, some recommend that coffee intake be avoided before breathing tests so as not to diminish the breathing abnormalities which the tests aim to detect.
· During the Experimental Biology 2007, an American Society for Nutrition's annual conference, research experts reviewed evidence that moderate intake of coffee, say 3 to 5 cups per day, might reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, kidney stones, gallstones, and depression.
That health risks are minimal and rare bring good news to the coffee lovers vast population. Although those who are considered high risk patients should better avoid the stimulant action of caffeine or the heartburn provoked even by decaffeinated coffee.

More than a broken vow

More than a broken vow
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This article features the harmful effect of constant parental bickering to a child's normal and healthy activity. This also relates the long term effect of this traumatic experiences to a child.

stress and anxiety, fear and anxiety

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Many couples, after all the years of trying to make it work, eventually find themselves at the end of the line.   The marriage counseling and other therapies failed to make the marriage work.  At some point, one or both persons in the marriage decide to cut all strings that connected them as husband and wife.
 While separation or divorce may be the only way to secure freedom from an unhappy marriage, the effects of dissolving a partnership that was supposed to last for eternity go beyond the bickering parties.  Surely, when a marriage fails, the hurts and pains also hit even those who are not supposed to be involved --- the children.

 Your children may do away with less toys to play with. They can also learn to live in a simple house and eat simple food.  Even if they enviously talk about their peers' palatial homes in the suburbs ,  they would rather live in a hole --- as long as you are there.  Sadly, the children often become part of “collateral damage” when a war breaks out between husband and wife.  In the heat of marital fights, it is often forgotten that children are can also get hurt.
 No child can easily get over the fact that the very epitome of unity as symbolized by their father and mother can actually crumble before their very eyes. The same persons who preached about forgiveness and second chances are the same people who they to be constantly picking on each other's blunders and flaws.
 Needless to say, not all children can handle the stress and anxiety brought about by constant parental quarrel.  The inner lives of children also crumble when they see that their parents are already headed to “Splits Ville.”
 According to studies on psychological problems among children, stress and anxiety brought about by traumatic domestic problems can greatly affect the normal flow of activities and behavioral patterns of young children. The more the children are exposed to these horrendous scenarios, the greater the possibility for stress and anxiety to occur. Child psychologists strongly warn parents from showing any form of violence in front of their children. Domestic violence always causes a negative impact on children, making them suffer from intense episodes of fear and anxiety. If left unattended, the repercussions of these traumatic experiences will eventually manifest as aggressive behavior and non-compliance to family authority. 
 Studies also pointed out that, like in the case of school bullies, children are not that capable of handling fear and anxiety brought by constant family bickering so they vent out their frustrations by intimidating other children.  This is their way of coping with internal stress, understanding that they can't easily “dish out” their own true feelings to their parents.
 In addition, experts say that children don't normally manifest these aggressive behavior in the early stages of their life. However, if not therapy is undertaken, these potentially harmful tendencies that appear during childhood may be carried out to their adulthood. Repressed emotions may eventually spill out as aggressive behavior if these are not addressed properly by trained counselors.  Fear and anxiety brought about by constant father-mother bickering can also have adverse effects on the physical growth of children.
 Indeed, children must live in a loving environment. No matter the situation or how big the problem is, they must be protected from any type violence. It's their right. It is the parent's responsibility. It is normal for a family to experience squabbles and occasional emotional crisis. 
 It is good to remember that children can do away with broken toys but having a broken family may just be too hard for them.

More Powerful, More Distance, More Consistency

More Powerful, More Distance, More Consistency
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This is an article about the new bat that I just purchased, and used this weekend in a tournament.

softball bats, new softball bats, softball bat review

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Copyright 2006 Oliver Tani
With all of the new technology that is available today, is your team ready for the upcoming season? The new 2007 softball bats are here and they are offering tremendous pop and durability. If your team does not step up to the plate and purchase a new bat, the other team will have you wishing that you had.
The new 2007 softball bats are pushing the limits! For instance, the new Demarini Evo AX is taking it to the next level by offering a double wall along with the half and half technology. My team purchased this bat last week, and I loved it so much I wanted to tell everyone else about it! This is a bat that has it all.
The first time I stepped up to the plate, I knew the ball was going over the fence. The pitcher tossed the ball, and as it came towards me, I thought to myself, "Don't try too hard. Do this nice and soft". I took a nice swing at it, and sure enough, everyone was yelling "Back! Back!" The ball flew over the fence without me even trying.
The way the new Demarini Evo Ax works is simple. You are supposed to let the bat do all of the work for you. With the composite structure and double wall action, this bat is unstoppable. The bat hits the ball, and creates a trampoline effect because the carbon composite breaks down to flex. With the double wall design, it gives it even more pop. The handle works like a graphite shaft in a golf club. The shaft bends to produce a whip like movement for added power. With this deadly combination, hitting the ball over the fence is effortless.
The durability of this bat is amazing! Since the softball bat is designed with carbon composite, it is made to last. This particular material is made to break down and become flexible; this is where the power comes from. The bat does not dent like the other aluminum softball bats out there. If you are in a tournament, you want to make sure that you have a reliable bat. This is a bat that I recommend for anyone on any skill level.
There are many places that you can find different softball bats, but I found it easiest to purchase online. Many stores may be out of stock in your particular size, but most websites carry them, and always have them in stock.
If you are looking for that new secret weapon on your team, then the 2007 Demarini Evo AX is the perfect softball bat for you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Choices For Male Contraceptives

More Choices For Male Contraceptives
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This article is about existing and new birth control methods for men. For so long, women have been charged with the responsibility of preventing pregnancy. But with recent scientific developments, more and more options are being given to men so that they can share the burden and take control on the subject of contraceptives.

new birth control

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So far, the burden of birth control has fallen mostly on women. Almost every known contraceptive method was designed to be used by women. But it’s about time for men to start sharing the responsibility of preventing unwanted pregnancies. They are, after all, a part of the process that leads to it.
At the moment there are three tried-and-tested male birth control methods, these are:
· The withdrawal method. Otherwise known as coitus interruptus, this birth control method requires a man to pull his penis out from his partner before he reaches his climax and ejaculates. This contraceptive method costs nothing at all. If this method is perfectly practiced, it can guarantee effective protection from pregnancy by as much as ninety-six percent. However, it requires a great deal of discipline from a man who wishes to practice this method.
· The male condom. This is a device worn on a man’s penis during sexual intercourse. It is usually made of latex or polyurethane rubber, and is used to physically block ejaculated semen from going into the body of a man’s sexual partner. The condom does not only prevent accidental pregnancy, it also provides sufficient protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Condoms have the advantage of being inexpensive and easy-to-use. It also has very few side effects.
· Vasectomy. This is a permanent birth control measure that is done surgically and by means of cutting the vas deferens of men for the purpose of sterilization. Hormone production and sexual drive are not affected by this procedure and is totally effective in ensuring prevention of pregnancy.
There are currently new birth control products aimed for men that are still on their development and testing stages, these products somehow assimilates two female hormonal contraceptives. These birth control methods are:
· Male contraceptive pill. Much like the female oral contraceptive, it works by suppressing the release of sperm cells during ejaculation. For this reason alone, the male birth control pill is being advertised as the “dry orgasm” pill. During ejaculation, sperm is propelled by smooth muscles lining the vas deferens from the epididymis to the urethra where it mixes with seminal fluids to become semen. What the male contraceptive pill does is suppress the contraction so that no sperm cell is mixed in the semen. The male birth control pill does not affect the sensation of ejaculation in any way.
· Male hormonal implant. The implant consists of two flexible plastic rods that contain etonogestrel, which acts as a sperm blocker, and pellets containing the male sex hormone testosterone. The 3cm-long rods are inserted under the skin of a man’s upper arm, and the pellets are implanted into the abdomen. The plastic rods slowly and continuously release etonogestrel that switches off the production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are both essential in sperm cell production. The testosterone pellets are important so that sex drive and male characteristics are still maintained.
They say making love is a dance for two. The responsibilities of it should be shared by both partners as well, not just by the woman. And now that more and more birth control alternatives are being created for them, it is high time they stand up and take part on preventing accidental pregnancies.

Morbid Obesity Details

Morbid Obesity Details
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Misbehaviour is bad but there is always a step worse isn’t there? Bland food is bad but again there is always a taste worse? So why should obesity be any different. There is obesity and then there is morbid obesity. Obesity is classed when you have a BMI (Body mass index) of 30, when you have a BMI of 40 then you are classed as an urgent morbidity risk; morbid obesity!
Morbid obesity is a lot more serious than obesity although that itself is highly dangerous to your body’s...


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Misbehaviour is bad but there is always a step worse isn’t there? Bland food is bad but again there is always a taste worse? So why should obesity be any different. There is obesity and then there is morbid obesity. Obesity is classed when you have a BMI (Body mass index) of 30, when you have a BMI of 40 then you are classed as an urgent morbidity risk; morbid obesity!
Morbid obesity is a lot more serious than obesity although that itself is highly dangerous to your body’s health. Morbid obesity is when you are the stage where there is so much fat that your fat is starting to damage internal organs. In most cases weight gain is hereditary so once the problem is started there is very little plain will power can do about it and when you get to the morbidly obese stage then serious actions need to be taken!
Taking action against morbid obesity needs to happen straight away, if not the implications could be fatal. You could always go on another diet but the results when you are morbidly obese only work for so long and don’t make that much of a difference. You need to take a look at your health and weigh up the options of undergoing surgery to help control your weight. This is of course something that should never be taken lightly and should always receive deep though and contemplation because no surgery is 100% safe and effective. There are always side effects with any treatment so surgery is not any different you need to figure out whether the side effects and the pain are worth it.
Morbid obesity is a serious disease that needs a lot of time enhanced and dedicated treatment from you, your family and health officials, morbid obesity is not something that is going to go away by itself and you should probably take all the help that is being offered. You must remember that things will get better if you keep trying and remain enthusiastic as this will keep you in high spirits. Don’t forget that its better to get all of it out of the way in one big step and live the rest of your life healthily and happily

Mood Disorders Might Be Genetically Linked

Mood Disorders Might Be Genetically Linked
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It has been established that bipolar disorder is something that can be inherited, even if the specific genetic trigger has yet to be positively identified. However, some recent evidence has come to implicate other mood disorders as being genetically caused. Further study is needed due to the nature of mood disorders, but the theory is gaining strength.

mood disorder

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Everyone's just a little bit crazy on the inside, or so the saying goes. If the statistics are anything to go by, then the old saying is rather accurate. Studies show that everyone has fought off a mental illness at least once, usually in the form of a mood disorder, like depression or social anxiety disorder. In fact, most people have experienced a bout with mood disorder at least once in their lives without even being aware of it, particularly in the case of people who have suffered from seasonal affective disorder. These problems are quite common and, in most cases, go by without causing any truly permanent damage to a person if they were only around for a short-term period. It is the long-term cases that tend to cause worry, especially in the case of a mood disorder like depression.
Recent studies have come to indicate that parents who have a mood disorder are likely to pass them on to their children. There is only a little evidence at the moment and the theory has no definite proof yet, but it is an idea that is gaining ground. It is known that bipolar disorder, a mood disorder like depression, is something that can be passed on genetically. Research conducted by Johns Hopkins has found that other disorders of this type are genetically linked to bipolar as well, with panic disorder, depression, and panic attacks being listed. The results have implied that, like bipolar, these conditions may be inherited genetically and might be triggered by the same genetic factors as bipolar. While the data does not point out which particular genome or strand is responsible, it is considered a great step forward in understanding and treating the problems.
Findings show that there was an increased risk for children of parents who had bipolar disorder, with later findings showing that they developed other types of mood disorder later in life. The risk, according to tests, increased if both parents were bipolar cases. This genetic link has many scientists and experts in the field of mental health intrigued, particularly because of the nature of what the study was observing. Symptoms of any sort of behavioral or mood disorder can vary drastically from person to person, even if the subjects are all from the same family. Some argue that while genetics may trigger or increase vulnerability to it, it cannot be the sole factor, nor can it be as important a component as some believe.
Another complication in ascertaining the genetic link comes in the form of overlapping symptoms. One disorder can manifest the symptoms of another in the same person, even if that person only has one. So someone that has bipolar can manifest symptoms similar to panic, but that is only bipolar that bears the appearance of panic, not panic disorder in itself. This has not only made it difficult for mental health professionals to ascertain what the problem they're dealing with is, it has also made verifying the results of the study (if not the veracity of the study itself) very difficult. With very little way to ascertain the certainty of the results or the data that led to them, the genetic link remains speculation, even if further study is being considered.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monitoring Your Fitness Progress: Don't Guess- Measure!

Monitoring Your Fitness Progress: Don't Guess- Measure!
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Mass Gaining program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor Your Progress. The only way to know if your mass or fat loss program is successful is by monitoring your measurements, weight and body fat levels.
'One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.' - Admiral Grace Hopper, U.S. Navy
Depending on the program, I recommend that everyone take their body fat levels every 1-2 weeks.
There's a lot that these readings reveal to a trai...

build muscle, gain weight, how to gain muscle, mass, weight gain program, workout routine

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Mass Gaining program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor Your Progress. The only way to know if your mass or fat loss program is successful is by monitoring your measurements, weight and body fat levels.
'One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.' - Admiral Grace Hopper, U.S. Navy
Depending on the program, I recommend that everyone take their body fat levels every 1-2 weeks.
There's a lot that these readings reveal to a trained eye! For example, I was recently on a fat loss diet, and I did not lose any weight for three weeks. At first I thought that I needed to drop my calories further because the current levels were not working for me. I did not want to do this because as a hard-gainer, dropping my calories too low can result in too much muscle loss. So, before I committed to a more drastic diet, I checked my body fat records.
Was I in for a shock! According to my body fat calculations I was actually getting leaner. Even though my weight did not change during that three-week period, my body fat levels went down 3%! Since I did not lose any weight during that time, the fat must have been replaced by muscle (an added benefit, but this does not happen most of the time). I would have never known this by simply looking in the mirror.
Another example is last year when I was on a mass cycle. I was eating a tremendous amount of calories and gaining weight like crazy. I stopped the diet once I began to notice that my fat gains were larger than my muscle gains. I would never have noticed this if I had not closely monitored my body fat levels.
I expect to gain some fat on a mass diet, but I always want to gain more muscle than fat. If I had not kept track of my body fat levels, I would have gained too much fat.
There are many methods of measuring your body fat and some are quite expensive. While many consider underwater weighing to be the most accurate, no method is 100% precise -- they all have some margin of error. It's not important to know the exact number -- what's important is to use the same method each time you take your measurements so you can have a consistent record of your progress. I just use an inexpensive skinfold caliper. They cost anywhere from $29-$80 and are simple to use.
A good caliper is essential. Without it, you won't know how exactly your body is responding to your diet and training routine. You may also want to consider using a tracking software like The Composition Tracker at ... It will help you analyze your data and tell you if you are actually building more muscle and losing more fat!
Just looking in the mirror and guessing is not acceptable!
If you want to start getting great results, you must develop the habit of accurately tracking your progress. If you don't, you will continue to go in circles. This may seem like a 'hassle', but nothing worth having is ever easy to attain.

Money and Mind

Money and Mind
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The article is about the value of money in everyday life.  It also tackles the constant struggle of many people to earn more money and to gain a status in high society --- desires that also lead to status anxiety.

status anxiety, coping with anxiety

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It is hard to make money. It some countries, it is not unusual for people to have second, third, and even fourth jobs.  Everywhere we go, we can see that the average paycheck just cannot meet the rise in inflation.  It does not matter if your a man or a woman, single or married --- one thing is for sure – you've got bills to pay. Every month, almost everybody needs to set aside some cash to settle the electricity and water bills, apartment rental, car loan, student loan, cable t.v. bills, telephone bills, school tuition for the kids, the daily parking ticket, groceries, and the list goes on.
No wonder, most are are trying to find new ways of making money.  Not just to pay the bills, but so that they can have more money to buy things.  Most people think that they are not making enough money to support their family.  So after eight or nine hours at the office, they immediately rush to the next job or to a part-time business so that they can make ends meet, and hopefully, earn a few dollars more.
There are also people who still believe and run after the American Dream:  a nice home in the suburbs... having two to three children that study in good private schools... a lasting marriage... a wife who does not need to work (but can work if the kids gets older)... a family station wagon for the weekends, and a dog.  In their pursuit of the dream, the constant struggle they face is still about making enough money.
Then again, there are individuals who work hard and earn money not just for their own pleasure and satisfaction, but also to compete with their neighbors.  “Keeping up with the Joneses”  --- has become their motto, motivation, and fear, all at the same time.   They are always anxious about looking the part, or about fitting in, and of course, in being welcomed within a group that is considered well-off, elite, or privileged.  Perhaps more that their desire to have money, they are driven by their need for a high social status.
Status anxiety is the emotional disturbance felt by people who desire to “climb the social ladder” and an exaggerated fear or focus on how they are perceived by others. Status anxiety is the feeling of discontent or insecurity of a person in terms of his or her economic standing or place in the social pecking order.
Climbing up the social ladder can be hard, especially if one cannot climb at all. It is impossible to reach a certain “higher” status without having faults, problems, and what we call “bumps along the roads”. In dealing with status anxiety, it somehow gives an idea of people to “climb” the social ladder and experience the anxieties that come from a focus on how one is perceived by others.

A lot of factors can cause a person to have status anxiety. High expectations, snobbery, lack of self-esteem, and materialism can lead to status anxiety.  The ever-increasing demands from the family... having a feeling of always being the “outsider” in an exclusive group... and being looked down upon by others who see themselves as social and economic superiors --- these can trigger status anxiety. Being overly dependent on the approval of others is also a cause of anxiety.  The lack of self-esteem makes a person depend on others in order to have a sense of approval, worth, and accomplishment.
Coping with anxiety takes having an intimate knowledge of one's strengths and weaknesses. It is important to know one's limits in terms of finances and social standing.   Coping with anxiety is all about believing in the value of one's self and the value of others around you --- and how every one needs another person to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mold Killer-Get Rid of Mold Permanently

Mold Killer-Get Rid of Mold Permanently
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How do I go about killing mold?

mold killer, mold killers, black mold killer

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Mold killer gets rid of mold permanently. There are many products on the market that will kill the mold and remove it from your home, but it keeps coming back. What you need to find is a killer that will eliminate the problem of black mold in your home once and for all. Fungicide is a better mold killer than bleach because it not only gets rid of the mold spores, but cleans up the odor as well.
Ozone is another mold killer that will help clean up your mold problem. It helps to purify all areas of the home that are contaminated by black mold. In addition, it kills other offensive bacteria in the air that could be making you and your family sick. High ozone shock treatments blasted into an unoccupied room is a really effective black mold killer. It is important that there is no one in the room at the time because the high levels of ozone are harmful to humans, but will kill mold and bacteria spores on contact.
Using the ozone mold killer is the perfect alternative to having to wear protective facemasks and gloves so that you don’t breathe in any of the mold spores. You can use ozone even when you are in the home at low levels to purify the air and eliminate any odor of mold. If you have ozone combined with your HEPA filter, then you have the perfect mold killers working for you at all times.
If you don’t have an air filtering system in your home, there are really good sprays on the market for mold killers. You just spray the air with the fungicide and wipe it clean. Then you rinse it with soap and water, but you do have to ensure that you dry the area completely or the mold will come back. Sometimes, homeowners blame this regrowth of the black mold on the mold killer they use not doing its job, but the fault is not making sure that the area is completely dried out.
The main mold killer is to prevent moisture from becoming the breeding ground for mold. When you clean the surface of an area in your home, if you use baking soda, it will prevent any mold and mildew from growing. This is because the PH factor in the baking soda is not conducive to mold growth and mold, especially black mold will not grow when it is present. Vinegar is another natural mold killer that you can use and is something that is readily available in most homes.

Mold Allergy – How To Get The Help You Need

Mold Allergy – How To Get The Help You Need
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A mold allergy is a serious thing and you need to do something about it.

mold allergy, mildew allergy, mold allergies

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A mold allergy can be misdiagnosed as being an allergy to a scent or a food. The most common allergy to mold manifests itself as asthma, but people who do have an allergy to mold or mildew can also have watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose, a cough or a skin rash. If a person already has asthma, mild exposure to mold can bring on an attack, where as a person without asthma may not even be bothered by it. Small amounts of mold, such as that on a shower curtain, are not serious and will not cause a mold allergy.
If you are exposed to large amounts of mold or mildew, you should take steps to get rid of the source of mold. Some kinds of mold produce mycotoxins and the symptoms of this is much more severe than a mold allergy. Black mold, for example, results from heavy water damage, such as in a flood. You can usually smell the mildew in a home when you first enter it, but for those living there they are so used to it that they don’t recognize it as the cause of their mildew allergy.
Moisture and warmth are the two conditions under which mold spores grow at a rapid pace. Even though you may take extra care with cleaning, if some of the water seeps into cracks and crevices, mold can grow in very tiny places and this could be the cause of your mold allergies. Just because you can’t see the mold or mildew doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. Sometimes, you can smell it before you see it and it is them you realize that what you thought was sinus problems could be a mold allergy instead.
To keep your mold allergy to a minimum, you can make sure that you control the level of humidity in your home. The normal level should be below 40% and by using air-conditioners and dehumidifiers you can help prevent mold and mildew from developing. Under ideal circumstances, you should remove carpeting from the bedrooms of your home, or at least from the room of anyone that has a mold or mildew allergy. Foam rubber pillows and mattresses are also breeding grounds for mold and because they are dark, closets are also likely places where you can find mold.
When someone in your home has a mold allergy, it does mean you have to make sure you dry everything before you put it away. Boots and shoes should be thoroughly dried before you put them in the closet and you should use bathroom cleaning products designed to kill mold. An exhaust fan in the kitchen will help moisture from cooking to build up and you should empty the garbage container before it starts to smell. All of these tasks are normal things you can do on a daily basis to help prevent another outbreak of a mold allergy.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Moisturizers - How to Quench Your Dry Skin's Thirst

Moisturizers - How to Quench Your Dry Skin's Thirst
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If you have dry skin or maybe winter has left your skin itchy, dry and flaky, a moisturizer can help.  As you probably know, the top layer of skin is dead, and the layers below supply it with the moisture -- water, oils and salt -- that it needs. Moisture is constantly lost through evaporation even under the best conditions. When you bring in winter winds, low humidity, and dry indoor heat the skin's water loss is greatly increased.

skin care moisturizers, moisture, healthy diet, drink water, lips, lip balm, skin protection, exfoliation, skin creams, soap, natural oils, dry skin, winter skin, moisture loss

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Moisturizers - An Important Ingredient In Your Daily Skin Care Routine
If you have dry skin or maybe winter has left your skin itchy, dry and flaky, a moisturizer can help.  As you probably know, the top layer of skin is dead, and the layers below supply it with the moisture -- water, oils and salt -- that it needs. Moisture is constantly lost through evaporation even under the best conditions. When you bring in winter winds, low humidity, and dry indoor heat the skin's water loss is greatly increased.  That is why moisturizers applied to the skin play such an important role.
There are two types of moisturizers:
Emollients - These work very much like your skin's natural oils by forming an oily barrier on the skin's surface that seals in some of the moisture and blocks evaporation.
Humectants - These attract and hold water on your skin's surface.
Which moisturizer is best for you depends on your skin type, and the ingredients in the moisturizer. And, most times, it has very little to do with expense. It's a choice that you make after evaluating all factors.  In fact, there have been studies which concluded the most effective moisturizers were the least expensive ones.
One thing to consider is this: the simpler, the better. The more ingredients in a moisturizer you use on your skin, such as, perfumes, emulsifiers, coloring, thickeners, etc., the greater the chance you will have some kind of allergic reaction if your skin is sensitive. 
Preserve Your Skin's Moisture - Tips and Suggestions
-Use warm water as opposed to hot for bathing or showering, and limit the time spent to 10 to 15 minutes a day. Use mild soaps which you dilute with water before applying to your skin. Excessive bathing, especially in hot water, and the use of strong soaps wash away the natural oils that are there to help keep water in the skin.
-If you bathe rather than shower, use a little bath oil in the water.
-Apply a moisturizer to the skin all over your body immediately after bathing or showering. In this way, the skin's moisture is sealed in. Apply light films of moisturizer rather than one heavy coating.
-Dry hand thoroughly after washing. Apply a good hand cream.
-Give elbows and knees special attention during winter months. Exfoliate gently with a natural luffa sponge, and apply a moisturing cream.
-Always wear gloves in cold weather to limit the evaporation of moisture from your hands.
-In cold weather, cover your face with a scarf or possibly a ski mask.
-Protect lips with a lip balm when out in the winter months. Avoid licking them which causes chapping and cracking.
-Eat a nourishing, well-balanced diet for your inner as well as outer health.
-Drink 8-10 glasses a water a day. Drinking adequate water on a daily basis is also important for glowing, healthy, moisturized skin.
Follow these steps and you'll be able to watch your skin improve.

Moderation is the Key

Moderation is the Key
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Today's world is in a health craze.  Multi-vitamin cereals, pills, and smoothes are just the beginning.

health, vitamin, vitamins, medical

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No one in the world has the perfect diet.  Many people may come close to one but it still isn't perfect.  And especially with today's fast-paced, mainstream economy not everyone has the time to sit down and enjoy a healthy meal.  Instead they grab healthy snacks bars and drinks while on the go.
Eating healthy foods is great and all but it doesn't mean that your body is getting everything it needs.  You may be depriving your body of other nutrients that it vitally needs to keep you up and running and the only way to provide that kind of support you body needs by getting it into your system by taking supplements.
As the name implies, supplements does what it says.  It supplements a person's diet filling the gaps of vitamins and minerals that a person vitally needs to stay healthy.  There are all kinds of different kinds of supplements out there and all of them can help maintain your body to be at its best.  The most popular kinds of supplements are the multi-vitamins that give you a broad range of nutrients for you body and there are also specific ones that give only one kind.
Many health-orientated processed foods also carry within themselves supplements of their own giving the consumer the nutrients and vitamins it needs.  In addition to the multivitamins and other supplements a person may be taking they may be getting much more than the recommended daily dose.  The main problem when this is that when people too much of something that is supposed to be good for you.
It's been reported that vitamin C boosts your immune system, fibers helps your body heal itself when it is damaged, and antioxidants promote a healthy immune system and a strong heart.  With the new rave about multivitamins going about it seems everyone is jumping into this new trend.  Milk with vitamin D, cereals that have all the vitamins and nutrients you need for the day, multivitamin pills with vitamins and minerals from vitamin A to zinc.  Juices with antioxidants and carbonated soft drinks with ginseng are being sold in vending machines.
With all this going on, I wonder if we are getting too much.  Normally if the body receives an excessive amount it will naturally get rid of that extra amount by excretion.  But not everyone's body behaves the exact same way.  Many people may have health complications and other problems that may interfere with how the body may work unknowingly to them.  It's not unusual for people to take from two to five times more than the recommended daily dose by doctors and researchers.
Though supplements can be used for to help promote a healthier body, it can also harm your body if you take way more than the recommended daily dose.  The key to a healthy diet with the use of supplements is by using it by moderation.  If you take a multivitamin meal such as a breakfast mix drink or a cereal, it is better to only that one of those and skip taking the multivitamin pill in the morning.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mobility Scooter Range

Mobility Scooter Range
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Looking at the range of Mobility Scooters.

Mobility Scooter, Range, Buying

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One of the key issues when looking for a mobility scooter is the range or distance that you will be able to use scooter before the need to recharge. The range is generally given by the manufacture in miles e.g. up to 10 miles. If you are buying the mobility scooter to make a specific journey e.g. from your home to a local town, you must ensure that the scooter you purchase has an adequate range to complete the journey. We often receive feedback on our blogs and forums from customers who have purchased scooters which were not suitable for there intended regular journey in terms of range and ride quality. This is generally the case when a decision has been made purely on price. For example if you intend to complete long journeys, a small 3 wheel portable scooter may simply not be up to the job in terms of providing a comfortable ride and sufficient range. In this case a larger (and more expensive) 4 wheel, 4mph rated machine may be a better prospect. Ride quality is especially important should you suffer from a medical condition such as back pain or arthritis.
When taking delivery of a new scooter it is essential to test the range of the scooter by building up steadily before submitting the scooter to its full range. This will avoid getting stranded with a mobility scooter with no charge, which can cause major issues as a scooter is very difficult to move once discharged. Take the scooter out on small trips and gain confidence in the scooters range and you own abilities before embarking on a long trip. This process will help you check the scooter is performing correctly after its first charging cycle. This process is especially important if the machine is 2nd hand as the actual range may be well below the manufactures rating as batteries can become less efficient as they get older.

Mobility Scooter Maintenance

Mobility Scooter Maintenance
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Useful information on maintaining a mobility scooter.

mobility scooter, scooters, maintenance

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If you are an owner of a mobility scooter then one of the most important factors in maintaining your mobility scooter in good working order is to ensure that is serviced at the recommended intervals. You should refer to your manual for this information. Please remember that it may be necessary to have your scooter services to uphold the warranty.
But you can carry out a few simple things which will also help prolong the life of your mobility scooter:
1. Keeping your mobility scooter - Regular cleaning of the scooter will not only keep your scooter looking good, but also help prevent dust, dirt, grit etc getting into any moving parts and causing wear and tear.
2. Keeping your mobility scooter dry - With the British weather it is only a matter of time before your scooter will get wet, but by drying it afterwards can help prevent rust setting in. By drying fabrics such as the seat will also prolong the life of the scooter. It may also be advisable to purchase a wet weather cover in case you are caught in the rain.
3. Maintaining the battery - This is probably one of the most important parts of the scooter to correctly maintain. Ensure that you follow the manufacturers guide to charging the battery. This will ensure that you receive the maximum travel range when using the mobility scooter but also extend the life of the battery.
Spend some time carefully reading the manual which will give useful tips and advice on how to maintain your scooter. Ensure regular servicing to prolong the life of the scooter. It may be possible for the technician to undertake the service at your home to ensure you will not be without your mobility scooter for a long period of time.
Do not be afraid to discuss the maintenance with the company from which you are purchasing the scooter, they to may be able to give good tips and advice on how to look after you new scooter.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mixed Martial Arts and over-training

Mixed Martial Arts and over-training
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The article is about the advent of the mixed martial arts—a combat sports which features fighters of different disciplines slug it out. With the advent of this sport many dream and train to be fighter and somehow land in this organization. With it people have been over-training, not minding the adverse effects that it may bring.

muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, arthritis pain relief

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“Are you ready? Are you ready? Lets get it on! “ These are the words are often heard in the matches of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). UFC is a mixed martial arts (MMA) sports event which features the world's finest fighters using their own styles. Viewers of these event satisfy themselves as they they watch fighters of different martial arts disciplines slug it out with each other. Numerous punches and kicks are thrown during a fight there are times that it features ground fights. Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, and wrestling are some of the disciplines involved in these events.
 In the early days of UFC, there were limited rules and it was considered as no holds barred fighting. Most of its matches were considered violent and brutal and were not accepted in national television. The organization was forced by its opponents to go underground because of accusations of brutality and violence. Today, UFC has reformed its rules, having stricter rules, and is sanctioned by athletic commissions. The organization is currently enjoying popularity worldwide along with high demands for media coverage. The advent of UFC paved way for the birth of other MMA organizations like Pride Fighting Championships (PFC) and International Fight League (IFL).
 MMA is here and it is here to stay. With the rise of MMA a lot of people have been going “gaga” over it. Wanting to be a part of this sports industry. Before it was Michael Jordan, now people have been raving about Ken Shamrock, Renzo Gracie, and other mixed martial artists. People nowadays want to be fighters, training to get into their fighting form. Many athletes involved in this craft have been involved in serious, rigid training trying hard to reach the peak of their fighting forms. A lot of them over-training on purpose—training till they're drained and burned out. They use up all their body's reserved energy and train more. Some believe that extra training will be beneficial for their body and for a fight.
 Over-training according to specialists takes place when an individual spends too much time training and not enough time resting and eating the right food to rebuild muscle tissues and other components during exercise. There is a difference between “good” soreness and fatigue. Although some kinds of discomfort may mean injury, others are just signals which means that one's muscles are growing stronger and fitter. Individuals are advised to give their body time to heal rather than using muscle relaxants.
 Specialists claim that the resting period is as important as the training period. The human body needs to rest and recuperate after training. Other factors that may lead to over-training are too much training, frequent competition, and heavy travel schedule. Over-training according health experts may lead to delayed progress, injuries, and other illness.  That is the reason while some boxers or mixed martial artists break down with injuries and other illness before competition. People who over-train may also experience depression, loss of appetite, weight loss, muscle soreness, and insomnia.
 Over-training may lead to injuries and in the long run may lead to the development of arthritis due to wear and tear of the muscles, joints, and other body parts. Though there are many anti-inflammatory drugs out in the market that are able to give arthritis pain relief , proper training, exercise, food intake may slow down or prevent the development of arthritis.
 Exercising is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Health experts believe that too much of a good thing may do more harm than good.

Mistreated Strep Throat in Adults Can Lead to Complications

Mistreated Strep Throat in Adults Can Lead to Complications
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Strep throat isn’t considered to be a serious illness. Many people get strep throat on the premises of improper hygiene, decreased body resistance to illness, fatigue or unhealthy diet. All these factors facilitate the development of infections with the bacteria responsible for causing strep throat. Although people with a weak immune system are more likely to get strep throat, the illness can occur in healthy people too. Children and teenagers often get strep throat and due to this fact, most people think that strep throat doesn’t occur in adults. The truth is that strep throat can occur in adults and they may even have great difficulties in coping with it. Although strep throat in adults is rare, grownups difficultly deal with the infection.

strep throat in adults, strep throat

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Strep throat isn’t considered to be a serious illness. Many people get strep throat on the premises of improper hygiene, decreased body resistance to illness, fatigue or unhealthy diet. All these factors facilitate the development of infections with the bacteria responsible for causing strep throat. Although people with a weak immune system are more likely to get strep throat, the illness can occur in healthy people too. Children and teenagers often get strep throat and due to this fact, most people think that strep throat doesn’t occur in adults. The truth is that strep throat can occur in adults and they may even have great difficulties in coping with it. Although strep throat in adults is rare, grownups difficultly deal with the infection.
Strep throat in adults usually occurs due to infection with streptococcus pyogens bacteria. This type of bacteria is very common and it can populate the throat, mouth and nose for long periods of time without causing any harm to the body. Strep throat in adults can be triggered by certain factors that activate the streptococcus pyogens bacteria. On the premises of stress and a weak immune system, the bacteria may start infecting the throat and the adjacent regions, thus causing strep throat.
The most common symptoms of strep throat in adults are sore throat that quickly becomes very painful, high fever, inflammation and swelling of the throat, the presence of pus on the tonsils and around them, inflammation, tenderness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, dry, stuffy nose and respiratory difficulties. In many cases, strep throat in adults isn’t accompanied by cough or runny nose.
Although the main causes of strep throat in adults are infections with streptococcus pyogens, other bacteria can also populate the throat and cause similar symptoms. Other types of bacteria responsible for causing strep throat in adults are staphylococcus, neisseria and hemophilus influenza. Unlike children, who usually have a strong immune system, adults are sometimes more susceptible to infections when their immune system is weakened by the lack of sleep, unhealthy lifestyle and stress. Therefore, most cases of strep throat in adults occur as a consequence of stress, over work and fatigue. If people suffered from flu or cold right before contracting the bacteria responsible for causing strep throat, the body has reduced strength in fighting external viral and bacterial threats. In this case, the forms of strep throat in adults can be very serious and can even lead to complications.
Strep throat in adults can lead to the following complications: acute rheumatic fever (inflammatory arthritis), acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation), tonsillopharyngeal cellulitis or abscess (occurs when strep throat is untreated, it is a severe inflammation of the throat accompanied by accumulation of pus) and otitis (ear infection). All these are serious complications that occur when strep throat is untreated or mistreated. Strep throat in adults can become very serious and therefore it is very important to quickly discover its symptoms in order to prevent the occurrence of undesirable effects.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mission Acomplia- The Goal is a Healthier World

Mission Acomplia- The Goal is a Healthier World
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When Acomplia, the wonder weight loss drug, hits the market, it will have a gigantic mission to complete- the mission to cure obesity in a 200 million strong population around the world. Though the mission at hand of Acomplia is a difficult one, it has well equipped itself for the fight. Learn more about how acomplia fights obesity in the following article.

Xenical, Acomplia, Weight loss drug, Childhood obesity, Acomplia diet pill, Rimonabant Acomplia, Phentermine Diet Pills

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When Acomplia, the wonder weight loss drug, hits the market, it will have a gigantic mission to complete- the mission to cure obesity in a 200 million strong population around the world. The mission at hand of Acomplia is a Herculean task in real. Not only because of the large number of people who require treatment but also because most of these people consider acomplia as the last resort.
Acomplia thus has the faith of many people to free them of the excess weight. Losing weight for many people is not just a task to become prettier or more handsome; it is a way to do away with the various health problems that have afflicted them because of being overweight. Diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure are some of the most common disorders that ensue because of being overweight.
Acomplia is well equipped for this mission, i.e. in dealing with excess weight. This drug works by blocking a pleasure center in the brain (known as Cannabinoid type I or CB1). Blocking CB1 receptors generate a feeling of satiety in the patients. Thus, patient automatically loses weight when food intake is reduced. This is the first in the kind of drugs with such mode of action.
Ours is a culture that believes in force feeding. Even if you are not hungry, you will surely consume something during mealtimes. Many people complained of a guilty feeling when they skipped meals. But what needs to be understood is that after 40 food is no longer required to promote growth and just to maintain oneself. With acomplia dampening appetite, a person will just consume sufficient and abstain from overeating, i.e. half the mission against obesity is accomplished.
Acomplia diet pill not only suppresses appetite but also has positive effects on the urge to smoke (although clinical trials on the drugs actual potential in this area have not yet been checked). Similarly, this drug improves cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 
Patients who underwent tests during the research period reported a weight loss of an average 19 pounds and waist measure decreased by 3 inches after taking the drug for 2 years. The results are remarkable, if seen in comparison with patients who took a placebo. The latter were just able to lose 5 pounds and 1.5 inches from their waist.
Acomplia surely is not the first drug to combat the problem of obesity. Many drugs such as Fen-phen, which is a combination of Fenfluramine and Phentermine, too created much enthusiasm in users; but had to be withdrawn from the market after reports of heart valve problems. Similarly Meridia and Orlistat failed because of their severe side effects. Acomplia is not free of side effects either. But the side effects are milder. Nausea, mood alterations with depressive symptoms, anxiety and dizziness are some of the common side effects faced by users. Since acomplia is a prescription drug, the patient must have been recommended use of the drug by a certified doctor.

Missed Shots: When People Don't Take The Opportunities Given To Them

Missed Shots: When People Don't Take The Opportunities Given To Them
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People can sometimes miss out on opportunities simply because they gave in to their fear of failure. Others let opportunities pass by because they believe that it can come their way again. However, the truth is that opportunities are rare and second chances are rarer still.

fear and anxiety, anxiety, social anxiety, status anxiety

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It will happen to each person more than once, as certain points in one's life are guaranteed to happen unless one withdraws from the world completely. The more one goes through life, the more times one encounters a situation that will require the person to make a decision that can prove critical to current and future events. It is natural to feel a little anxiety at certain points in your life, particularly when you're dealing with something that might have life-changing consequences no matter how it turns out. A touch of fear and anxiety is perfectly natural in a number of situations, but a problem can emerge when the person lets that fear and anxiety prevent them from crossing the line in the sand.
There are several moments where one might feel so much anxiety that it seems like a better idea not to do what one has set out to do. However, this would generally be categorized as a mistake in most cases, particularly if there is nothing particularly life-threatening about the planned action. Life, by its nature and by the nature of the world around us, is fraught with risk. Navigating these risks is something that every person has to learn, and perhaps in an instinctive level, people have a basic understanding of how to go about that. The riskier something is, the greater the potential rewards tend to be, even if we don't initially see those rewards. To let one's anxiety get in the way of taking that step forward in one's romantic, social, or professional dealings is to let an opportunity slip by at the risk of never having that chance crop up again.
Fear and anxiety keeps people from jumping into situations and making decisions that are simply unsound or pose too much risk, but they can also sometimes cloud one's eyes from seeing an opportunity. There have been numerous business opportunities that have passed people by simply because they gave in to the anxiety they initially felt at being shown the prospect. This is perhaps some sort of psychological hang-up, as people tend to focus on the potential risks of any sort of venture and tend to view them as being more significant than the potential gains. People can also sometimes let their anxiety take control and cloud their ability to make proper judgments on what course of action should be taken.
This problem does not necessarily generate problems only for people who have social anxiety or status anxiety. In fact, the problem is can manifest in people from all walks of life, including some people that can be considered “risk-takers.” It generally manifests when a person is faced with a decision to be made or an action to be taken, with the context of said activity being outside the scope of things that the person is comfortable with. This discomfort, which can be compounded by a lack of knowledge or a variety of emotional factors, can make giving in to the anxiety a rather appealing option at the time. These factors can cause someone to lose their ability to assess the risks and benefits properly, which can result in a sudden fit of indecision.
Some people have suggested that to overcome the fear and anxiety that one feels, it is best to be reminded of what the opportunity represents. Some experts claim that mentally reminding oneself that “you only get one shot” can sometimes be enough to make the risks worth taking, despite the anxiety that the person feels.

Missed Birth Control Pills: What to Do About It?

Missed Birth Control Pills: What to Do About It?
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Missed birth control pills pose serious risks like unplanned pregnancies, irregular periods, or bleeding in between periods. This article provides information and a guide on what a woman should do following missed pill intakes to prevent unplanned pregnancies and other risks from happening.

missed birth control pills

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Oral contraceptives are among the most popular methods of birth control. However, some would say that it is not the most convenient. Why? Most birth control pills or BCP have to be taken everyday at a scheduled hour. This said, chances are high that one might forget or miss taking it given the many daily activities. 
Some might think that a missed pill is just a missed pill but this is not the case with oral contraceptives. Missing a scheduled intake means that one can get pregnant following sexual intercourse without the aid of a backup birth control method. Missed birth control pills pose great risks, especially that of unplanned pregnancies. If you are taking BCP and missed a pill, here is a guide on correcting the mistake:
When you missed a pill...
    * Take a pill as soon as you remember your mistake. Take the scheduled pill for the day at your regular intake time. Do this for Sunday-start and other-day start combination pill packs.
    * If you had unprotected sex after missing your pill intake, visit your doctor for emergency contraception.
    * If you missed taking a progestin-only pill for even just three hours, use a backup contraception method for the next two days. A missed day for a progestin-only pill requires using backup contraception until your next period.

When you missed two pills consecutively...
    * If you missed taking two pills in a row during the first two weeks of your cycle, take two pills on the day you recognize your mistake. Take another two pills on the day after then take one pill a day for the succeeding days until you finish the pill pack for your current cycle.
    * As always, contact a Planned Parenthood clinic, your gynecologist, or a health care professional for emergency contraception assistance if you have had sex after your missed pill intakes without using backup contraception methods.
    * When you missed your pill intakes in the third week of your cycle, keep taking a pill daily until Sunday for a Sunday-start pill pack. Discard your unfinished pill pack safely on Sunday and start a new pill pack.
    * For an other-than-Sunday start pill pack, dispose of your unfinished pill pack on the day you remember your missed pill intakes and start a new pill pack.
    * Use a backup form of birth control or contraception method like condoms, spermicides, or sperm gels when you have sex for the next seven days following the missed pill intakes.
    * Take note that you might missed a period for your current cycle. However, if you missed two periods following the cycle where you missed your schedule pill intakes, visit your doctor for possible conception and pregnancy.

When you missed three or more pills consecutively...
    * Follow the steps mentioned above and consult your doctor immediately if you have had unprotected sex after the missing your scheduled pill intakes.

A few reminders...
If you keep missing your pill intakes, finish the pill pack following the steps above and consult your doctor prior to the start of your next cycle for a new form of birth control. An injectable contraception might work better for you since you only have to be injected every three months. However, if you want to stay on the pill, consider asking your doctor for a 28-day pill pack instead of the usual 21-day pack. The former has seven inactive or non-hormonal pills for the interim days in-between cycles. Since missed pill intakes happen coming off the seven-day break, a 28-day pill pack can help in habit-forming.

Misguided Parents Put Kids at Risk in Mumps Outbreak

Misguided Parents Put Kids at Risk in Mumps Outbreak
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Dr Patrick explores the current mumps outbreak in the Midwest. How can you keep your children safe? Will the MMR protect them? What about autism and the MMR?

Pediascribe, doctor, pediatrician, pediatric, parenting, family, health, Mike-Patrick-Jr, mumps, mmr, autism, immunization, vaccination

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Copyright 2006 Mike Patrick Jr, MD
Mumps is sweeping the Midwest with the speed of a California wildfire. Doctors have diagnosed a thousand cases of the viral disease, and there's no end in sight. Those most at risk for severe disease in the outbreak are adults with waning immunity and unvaccinated children.
Adult cases are understandable. After all, immunity from vaccination can decline over time. The involvement of unvaccinated children, on the other hand, is inexcusable. Free MMR vaccine is available to every American child at local Health Departments, and moms and dads who fail to get it for their children should spend an afternoon in the public stocks with "bad parent of the year" signs hung around their necks.
Vaccines are becoming victims of their own success. Today's parent doesn't remember the day when measles and diphtheria killed thousands of American children. They weren't around when polio paralyzed a generation. They didn't witness the miracle of Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine. In those days parents clamored to get their kids immunized, and thousands of children were spared a lifetime of metal braces and wheelchairs.
Today's parent doesn't exactly clamor for vaccines. Instead, she approaches them with reluctance and fear because of ranting quasi-scientists and militant moms who blame childhood vaccines for little Bobby's autism.
The MMR-autism flap began in 1998 when Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British bowel specialist, conducted a chart review of twelve patients. Really, I'm not making this up. Twelve patients. Based on that chart review, Dr Wakefield concluded that MMR causes intestinal inflammation, which leads to "leaky bowel," which allows harmful toxins to enter the body. These toxins then travel to the brain and cause autism. Since every autistic child in the developed world had received an MMR vaccine and since autism is most commonly diagnosed between the first and second birthdays, around the time of the MMR, many parents of autistic children clung to the report like a colony of mold on old bread.
Never mind that the United Kingdom Medical Research Council condemned Dr. Wakefield's report. Never mind that other medical researchers from around the globe found fault with his research methods. Never mind that subsequent well-designed statistically significant studies failed to show any link between MMR and autism. These stricken parents had found what they wanted--a reason.
So now many parents fear the MMR vaccine, and some downright refuse it. They'll put their children in a speeding automobile a median's throw away from a twenty-ton eighteen-wheeler rocketing in the opposite direction.  They'll let their children ride in an airplane traveling 500 miles-per-hour at an elevation of 35,000 feet. They'll allow their children to swim unattended and ride bicycles without helmets and get on slapped-together carnival rides run by a guy sporting more tattoos than teeth, but they won't get the MMR vaccine. It's too risky. After all, Dr. Wakefield looked at twelve kids, and those militant moms--the ones who don't want you vaccinating your children--agree with him.
Perhaps the current mumps outbreak will begin to change this misguided attitude. I guess mumps is as good a start as any. It's an uncomfortable disease, but rarely fatal. You get headache and fever and painfully swollen salivary glands under the jaw. Ovaries and testicles can swell. Every now and then deafness results, or the brain swells. But for most, it's a walk in the park compared to other vaccine-preventable diseases. The results of a widespread measles outbreak would be worse, and if diphtheria or polio ever raise their ugly heads, it will be tragic.
If you are one of those worried parents who haven't vaccinated your children, please give it another thought. Talk to your child's doctor. Sure, there may be some risk with immunizations, the most common being allergic reaction, but the benefit far exceeds the risk. If you still disagree with me, that's fine. Don't get the MMR. Don't get any vaccines. But maybe you should also keep your children out of cars and airplanes. And please, oh please, don't get them anywhere near those carnival rides.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mind Twisting: Stress, Depression, And Intelligence

Mind Twisting: Stress, Depression, And Intelligence
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The physical and mental consequences of stress and depression are rather well-documented, but recent studies show that the problem might also have effects on a person's intelligence. Research shows that stress and depression are capable of killing brain cells if left untreated, but can also prevent new cells from being generated to replace the old ones.

mental health, stress, depression, social anxiety, side effects

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Stress and depression are two of the things in modern life that you have to deal with at one point or another. The former is an everyday thing, one that can stem from something as difficult as social anxiety to something as mundane as tripping over your own shoelaces. The latter, depression, is not quite as easy to develop in the clinical sense, but most people will end up experiencing a point in their lives that comes dangerously close to being depressed. For the most part, these two problems are considered to be threats to one's physical and mental health. However, recent studies show that these two conditions also have nasty side effects on one's intelligence.
According to recent findings, it is untrue that the human brain ceases production of neurons and other critical brain cells later on in life. In fact, there are some things that imply that the brain regenerates the aforementioned cells on an as-needed basis, generating more to suit the needs of the individual. This is in direct opposition to long-held medical doctrine that human brain cells do not regenerate after a certain point and instead begin to enter a state of slow decay. However, as recent studies have shown, the more primitive areas of the brain are capable of regenerating lost cells. This has subsequent effects on a wide range of mental functions, including memory, reaction time, and comprehension. Now, what does this have to do with stress and depression, you ask?
A whole lot, apparently. The two conditions states above put the more primitive parts of the brain into “survival mode.” Upon entering that state, the brain naturally attempts to minimize anything that could be seen as frivolous or unnecessary, instead focusing all energies on the basics. This not only accounts for the apparent reduction of brain activity during periods where an individual experiences the aforementioned problems, but it also starts to kill the currently existing cells. Basically, the brain cells are slowly dying when subjected to excessive stress and depression, burning out neurons at a faster rate than normal. This would explain why some normally intelligent people seem to be mentally slower and less adept when put under emotional and psychological pressure.
Another consequence would be the fact that the two aforementioned disorders can actually prevent the brain from regenerating new cells to replace the old ones. Trophic factors, chemicals that are known to stimulate the brain, are not produced properly when a person undergoes prolonged periods of the above conditions. Studies show that trophic factors are actually the chemicals responsible for telling the brain to regenerate new cells. If the chemicals are cut off or if the flow is disrupted, it can result in a rapid decline in the human brain's ability to repair itself over time.
While these findings are still controversial and questionable, it does provide an interesting look into just how the brain works on a physical level. The long-held belief that the brain is incapable of fixing itself once a person reaches adulthood may just be put into question. These findings are still subject to further research, but there are already several avenues being opened by the concept. For example, there are studies now being conducted devoted to finding out whether or not serotonin, a chemical used to combat a variety of mental disorders, has an effect on neuron regeneration.

Mind Power: The Healing Power of Positive Thinking

Mind Power: The Healing Power of Positive Thinking
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Do you still remember the last time you was sick? How did it felt? And did it felt worse as you succumb to negative thinking as you unconsciously focus your mind on the sickness? This happens as we allow our mind to dwell on the negative. But how did it felt when a loved one takes care of you and reaffirms you that you are going to get well? Your attention shifts as you dwell on healthy and positive thoughts.

mind-power, mind power, subconscious mind, power of the subconscious mind, mind-powers, healing mind

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Do you still remember the last time you was sick? How did it felt? And did it felt worse as you succumb to negative thinking as you unconsciously focus your mind on the sickness? This happens as we allow our mind to dwell on the negative. But how did it felt when a loved one takes care of you and reaffirms you that you are going to get well? Your attention shifts as you dwell on healthy and positive thoughts.
Positive thinking is no magical pill that removes all sickness instantly. However, in a few days time you do get better. The effect is similar to the use of medicine as it formulates the strong belief that you are going to get well. Positive thinking, believing that you will be healed, and together with the effects of the medicine work hand-in-glove for a speedy recovery.
There have been many researches about the effects of positive thinking on healing a person. Some studies show that positive thinking indeed can help a person heal.
A scientific research was done to see how thought can affect health status. It has been proven that when a person is in a lot of stress, the immune system of the body weakens. But when a person thinks positively and alleviates his stress, the immune system of the body strengthens.
How to develop positive thinking:
1)Say Positive, Think Positive – always use positive words not only when speaking but also when you are thinking. Phrases such as “I can” and “I am capable” are just some of the examples.
2)Feel Positive – let positive feelings flow through you. Get the feeling of happiness, strength and success.
3)Around Positive - be with people who think positively. Positive and negative feelings are contagious. Being with people whose spirits are damped can also make your spirits damp. But being with people whose outlook in life is positive then it will rub off on you too.
Developing a positive mindset is the key to self healing. It is not that easy to develop but it is attainable. Having a positive outlook in life will empower you. Even if your situation or circumstances are not what you want them to be, just think positive and expect favorable results. With a positive outlook, your life will change.
In healing through positive thinking, it would not be proper to say that you don’t need to seek out the help of a doctor when you are not feeling well. It would not also be correct not to take medicines anymore since all you need is to think positive about your condition and you will be healed. What is implied here is that you use positive thinking side by side with your current treatment.
While you are in treatment and you think negatively of your condition, you will surely deteriorate. Conversely, if you are in an unfavorable situation and you use positive thinking side by side with your treatment, then it will help you dramatically. Your mind and thoughts have a tremendous impact on your body and life!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mind Over Muscle

Mind Over Muscle
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Embarking on a physical training program brings rewards that can be achieved by little else. Whether exercising to stay fit, feel good, or just to look terrific, you can add power to your efforts by employing the insights and techniques used by high-achievers to obtain that 'look' you've always dreamed of!

fitness, health, personal development, training, gym, aerobics

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Embarking on a physical training program brings rewards that can be achieved by little else. Whether exercising to stay fit, feel good, or just to look terrific, you can add power to your efforts by employing the insights and techniques used by high-achievers to obtain that 'look' you've always dreamed of!
Before beginning your journey on the road to fitness you must realise that you are in total control and therefore should have a real desire to be fit. A wishy-washy approach to fitness, or anything else for that matter, usually ends in failure. It is therefore wise to keep yourself motivated.
By realising that the power of your decision adds much weight to the acquirement of any objective, you should fire yourself with enthusiasm for the task ahead.
The first and most important factor to employ is to release any past failures from your mind. Dwelling on past failures will only have an adverse affect on your current training.
If such thoughts occur ask yourself the question "why did I fail?" Perhaps you set your goals too high and they thus became unrealistic. Or your time frame for achieving your goals was too short or too long. Or perhaps you were just plain lazy! Whatever the reason look at it in an objective manner and learn from your mistakes. Do it differently this time.
A major problem that is constantly rearing its ugly head is lack of enthusiasm. Almost every keep-fit enthusiast suffers from this dreaded state at one time or another, from championship bodybuilders to first-time aerobics students. There is only one simple rule to follow when confronted with this negative state of mind - re-motivate yourself!
They key to this is being specific in your goals. Have a clear vision of what way you want to look and feel when you have achieved your objective. Cut and tape a picture of your head over a picture of your ideal body type if you must, but be clear in your own head where you are going and what you will achieve.
Also set smaller goals that easily show you have been making progress. Make note of your goal achievements. Write them down. Once you are feeling a lack of enthusiasm then look back at how far you have come.
Visualise your objective often or at least twice a day. Tell yourself that you are doing well and reward yourself when you reach a goal. This will increase your self-esteem and keep your motivation high.
If some negative situation arises don't look at it as a problem but view it as a challenge. As you overcome your own inner and outer obstacles you will have proved that you are a success. Success breeds success so review your progress and modify your goals to be more challenging.
The potential to achieve anything is within you. Whether the end result of your training efforts is success or failure it is your choice. Give 100% and you will receive 100%.

Mind And Body: Are They As Distinct As Initially Believed?

Mind And Body: Are They As Distinct As Initially Believed?
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It was initially believed that the mind and the body were separate from one another, and that what affected one did not affect the other. However, recent studies and anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that this is incorrect, and that there is a deeper link between the mind and body than initially believed by Western medicine.

mental health, depression, insomnia, anxiety disorders, performance anxiety

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The mind and the body, French philosopher Rene Descartes once said, are two fundamentally separate concepts.  Descartes believed that the mind and the body were separate from one another, with no correlation or connection between the two.  For many centuries, people accepted the theory that a person's state of mind is distinct and separate from the condition of the body.
The above idea has become one of the core doctrines of Western medical science, prompting doctors to focus more on physical symptoms and refer patients to separate experts for psychological issues. This stands in contrast with other medical systems, which put as much focus on a patient's feelings and state of mind as they do on physical signs and symptoms. However, recent studies have shown that there may be more of a connection between physical and mental health than initially thought. A person's mental health does have an impact on their physical well-being, contrary to what Descartes believed.
The main proof of the connection between mental health and physical factors comes in the form of psychopharmacology. Since the brain functions through the use of neural receptors and biochemical signals, anything that affects the regular influx of that “mix” can have an effect on a person's mental health. The obvious example of this would be endorphins, which the body generates in large amounts during exercise and have the effect of “lifting” the mood. There are other chemicals that play a role in the delicate balance of the mind, such as serotonin and dopamine. Altered levels of these can have a variety of effects, including anxiety disorders, depression, and in some cases, insomnia. However, these are not the only factors that indicate a closer connection between mental health and physical health, albeit these are the most prominent.
The performance of athletes in a variety of sports are also taken as a sign that the mind and body are more connected than initially believed. This is exemplified by how much mental discipline is needed to keep the body at peak performance, particularly in the middle of a tight game. The existence of performance anxiety, which can effectively cripple an athlete psychologically at inopportune times, has also been taken as evidence of the connection between mental health and physical well-being. It is often noted that a person's state of mind can have an effect on how effectively they perform physical activities, with an athlete's perception of his own abilities often imposing limits on ability that aren't physically present. In correlation with this, there are also studies being conducted that show how a positive physical self-image helps promote a better state of mental health.
How physical performance aids in promoting mental health, however, is not clear.  While a positive outlook and the absence of problems such as performance anxiety and depression play an important role in achieving peak athletic performance, the opposite has not necessarily been observed. Most experts believe there are too many variables and factors to be considered, such as the social prestige of athletic achievement. However, chemical changes occurring in the body, particularly the central nervous system, during exercise have been observed and verified by studies.
For the time being, most experts of both physical and mental health believe that there is still a need to conduct more in-depth studies before a definitive picture of the connections between the body and mind can be drawn. The effects of chemicals on the brain, whether occurring naturally or introduced through psychoactive drugs, have been documented, but there is more room for study. For example, there is a general lack of knowledge on how psychoactive chemicals have an effect on psychology, as well as whether or not synthetic variations of chemicals in the body have the same effects as the naturally-produced ones.

Mind-Puzzling Math!

Mind-Puzzling Math!
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Generally, a lot of people get nervous at the thought of studying or using math. It is almost as though it is normal that one is afraid of math or is no good at the subject. Often, this perception causes people to suffer from math anxiety.

math anxiety

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Ever tried the addictive number puzzle game that is a certified craze worldwide? Sudoku, or Su Doku, is a deceptively game of logic. The rules seem easy. There is a nine-by-nine grid composed of nine three-by-three boxes. Some numbers are already filled in to a few of the 81 squares. The goal is to fill in all the squares so that each row, column and box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once.
 Sudoku has a fascinating history. “Su” means number in Japanese, and “Doku” refers to the single place on the puzzle board that each number can fit into. It also connotes someone who is single. Hence, one way to describe the game is “solitaire with numbers.”
 Sometimes Sudoku is misspelled as “soduko” or “sudoko.” Although its name is Japanese, its origins are actually European and American. Unlike many games which spring from one culture and are then absorbed by others, Sudoku's development represents the best in cross-cultural propagation.
 Though this puzzle seems to be very enjoyable for the math savvy, there are still others who seem not to enjoy numbers that much. Generally, when we see numbers, we instantly think of math. Math and numbers which are difficult to avoid as they are everywhere. In fact, many people get nervous at the thought of studying or using math.
 Mathematics as a subject is perceived to be difficult, obscure and are only meant for the supremely intelligent. It is almost as though it is normal that one is afraid of math or is no good at the subject. Often, this perception causes people to suffer from math anxiety. Anxiety is stress, tension, and strain on one’s body and mind. Anxiety can be broken down into two types: Somatic or the loss control of body. Some symptoms are sweaty palms, pain in neck or sick to the stomach.  The other is Cognitive or  loss of concentration. Its symptoms include negative self-talk, feelings of doubt, or mind wanders from test or tasks.

 Many students might say that anxiety in class inhibits them or reduces their ability to perform well. In the case of mathematics, they would be correct.  Psychological researches have somehow ascertained that  math anxiety causes students of all levels to perform poorly in math.

 For some students, trouble in math is driven by problems with language. These children may also experience difficulty with reading, writing, and speaking. In math, however, their language problem is confounded by the naturally difficult terminology, some of which, they only hear in math class. These students have an uncomfortable time understanding written or verbal directions or explanations, and find word problems especially hard to translate. A common difficulty also experienced by people with math problems is the inability to easily connect the abstract aspects of math with reality. Understanding what symbols represent in the physical world is important to how well and how easily a child will remember a concept.

 Some key methods to conquering math anxiety center on not avoiding the problem. Just because they believe it's tough, one will presume that it can not overcome the anxiety. Whereas in most cases, it is seen that this is a mind block and one could be really good at math if he put his or her mind into it. Thinking things like “I don't have a Math mind” can lead nowhere. They are self-defeating games --- games you play on oneself. If a student knows what these games are, the student might be able to see oneself playing and actually enjoying them like the Sudoku. The exact cause of math anxiety are not known, but those who overcome it will perform normally and eventually be puzzled no more.